Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happiness Is . . . A Fall Poem

Below is my first poem to be recorded in my "Happiness" scrapbook" I haven't officially decided on a title yet. And, the book version is definitely altered to share with students. I will share the modified version below the long one. I would be interested to get your feedback. =)

Today, Happiness was alive in the suburbs
It permeated life giving October air

I breathed in and smelled it
It was intoxicating,
This smelll of the earth dying, purifying
It was Chimney Smoke, and cool, damp earth.
It was unnameable

Today, Happiness danced on a sea
Of burning red flames on branches

I wanted to capture it, covet it
I wanted to duplicate it
I wanted it to be everlasting
But I could only breathe

And as I stood and walked and gazed,
I prayed,
Not to forget the beauty of transition,
Not to forget the necessity of death.
I prayed to remember that happiness
must simply be,those special moments
in which heaven manifests itself on earth.

I tucked my sweet memory away
Into a place where hope lives
A place where there is always anticipation of spring.


Modified Version:

Today my eyes danced on a sea
Of burning red flames on branches.

I breathed in the cool, October air.
My boots crunched, crunched
On the autumn ground.

My heart felt the joy in natures death.
I soaked up the memory of a beautiful transition.
I tucked it away in a place where hope lives,
In a place where there is always anticipation of spring.

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